Welcome, I will like to tell you a story. Story-story! Long time ago, a young lion was found alone in the Bush by a hunter. This hunter took the cub home and raised him amongst his herd of goats. The lion grew to know himself as a goat but one day a huge lion appeared, roaring on a hilltop with all his might. All the goats ran, but the young lion didn’t move, he was afraid, but at the same time— curious.  The old lion approached him and asked "what are you doing with the goats, “I am a goat”  he replied. The story continues...
Now let's talk about connection—The first

Facebook interface I interacted with in 2009 sold to me a picture I would never forget — a concept that has come to be the mainstay of every social networking tool; it is the picture of 'Connection' — I was fascinated by the idea of being able to connect with anyone, everyone, anytime, anywhere.

Connections are indeed very powerful tools that can be used to maximize our abilities as social beings. All the Jobs (2) I have worked on after obtaining my qualifying certificate have come by connection and networks built as an undergraduate.
It was on my first Job however that I got to understand what I believe to be the greatest of discoveries. All other discovery and great inventions that has been made and those that will be, flows from this discovery —
It is called 'Self Discovery'

One question people always ask at interview's is 'Can we meet you?' Similarly whenever you come into a network of people for the first time, you will be asked 'Who are you?' This question is the best anyone can ask you and the answer you are expected to give (especially in an interview) is not just your name, an academic qualification or a list of other achievements. Your new friends and prospective employers may be impressed with your long list of BIG-DOs but it still doesn't answer the question. After all, you are not a 'HUMAN DO' but a 'HUMAN BEING.'

Kristin Hannah drives home the point with her quote:

Finding your passion isn’t just about careers and money. It’s about finding your authentic self...

So, the question is have you ever met yourself? Do you know who you are outside the things you do? Are you aware that you give definitions to things and things do not define you(success or failure inclusive)? How do I know that it is important to meet yourself? Let us complete our story.

...The old lion took the young lion to a nearby river and waited at the river-bank until the waves from the river were absolutely still and all was silent. He told the cub to look into the mirror-like reflection of the crystal clear water. First the young lion saw the old lion’s face, then his own – after looking again and again he suddenly saw it for the first time and he roared, “Yes! I am a lion

You see, whatever life endeavour you are into, whatever choice you want to make, the most important cast of the script is 'YOU.' If you haven't met yourself, the most probable thing that will happen is that you will find yourself in the wrong relationship and partnership — among people who will define you by your circumstance and their own standards; you will end up on the wrong job, working for people who do not care about you — who will only use you.

If there is one person you must meet and stay connected to, that person is you.

Ajamah Oluwaseun.
Redefining Culture- shaping thoughts- influencing actions.


  1. Wonderful story that buttresses the point of the post. Good one! Keep writing😊

  2. Thank you Pelumi, with people like you, I will keep writing.


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