Letter to My Mysterious Beautiful Angel

Credit: Flickr
Let us talk about matters of life and emotions as it relates to how we relate with people. I am looking at our society today from the lenses of concern that we would not lose the cord and bond that makes us human beings. Today, our society is driven by speed and advancement at the detriment of relationships and people. People around us have lost their place to career, technology, religion and culture. We are so fast paced in all of these that people now commit suicide before anyone realises they have been struggling.

A young lady once walked up to me, her countenance was fair and comely. She was everything to behold in beauty and stride. It felt like I was seeing an Angel, only that she was dressed in a black gown. I thought to myself "could this be a guardian angel?" Alas, all thought of divinity soon vanished the moment she spoke.
"Sir, are your Parents Pastors?" She asked. I glanced around to be sure she was talking to me, I saw no one else in sight "No, they are not" (sorry dad, I denied you). 
Why is life unfair? Why doesn't anyone care? I feel lonely and cold, can't get an undergraduate degree, why? What have I done to deserve this?

 As she asked those questions, you could see through her eyes that she speaks from the place of deep despair.

At that moment, I was going to answer her, I felt like something distracted me, there was no one or any object in sight but I was distracted. It was a nanosecond of me taking my eyes off her and she was gone. She vanished into the thin air and I was not going to see her again. Maybe she was an Angel, maybe she left to make a point. I stood there thinking about what to do. I came up with this idea. I will write her a letter. In that letter, I will say to her all I would have told her. This is my letter to My Mysterious Beautiful Angel (MBA)

Dear mysterious beautiful Angel, you were certainly right, we live in a distracted world, not even your beauty could keep my eyes on you. Thank you for teaching me the need to keep my focus on things that matters, because they may just be gone the next moment.

Our brief encounter also taught me to make every moment count in life. Perhaps I have lost many opportunities because I didn't value the time and season those opportunities appeared.

Furthermore, I have also come to know of a truth that every beautiful thing probably carries a scar that needs healing; you have just taught me to look beyond the make over and finesse.  I promise to keep this lesson to heart and live cherishing the people and relationships God brings to me.

I would stop here and write to you again when I have properly thought about your questions. I hope you will be glad to know that I am not only giving your words some deep thoughts, I will also be sharing it with the world. I believe the next time you return, you will find a society filled with people who makes it a safe place to live again

Your new friend, 

Ajamah Oluwaseun
Redefining Culture- shaping thoughts- influencing actions.


  1. This is great , I have learnt so many lessons from this piece

    1. Thank you Testimony, I am glad you did.


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