

Emotions can get you in a mess, make you look weird, weak and worn out— yet it remains a very beautiful thing when you learn how to be emotionally smart.  My last post - "MEN ARE FAKE — LADIES ARE REAL" was aimed at raising awareness about the effect of mismanaged emotions especially among the male folks, who suffer from shame because the society had sold a lie about how weak it is to be emotional.  Having generated the kind of response I desired, I realised that it would not suffice to just say that some group of people are not great at expressing emotions. Take for instance my premise was that men do poorly with handling emotions — I had facts from America and Nigeria to support my assertion but it is possible that in some other society, men do better at expressing emotions. I have to conceed that it would be more balanced and apt to say that men and women alike, mismanage emotions as bad as the other i.e. some women outrightly find it difficult to show any em...


Source: If you are a man, you probably came curious and angry wanting to find out why such strong word would be coined by a male writer. Calm down. I didn't really mean to say men are fake. Enjoy the read. WHY LADIES RECEIVE MORE HELP THAN MEN You are standing by the roadside waiting for a cab— beside you is a lady heading in your direction. you exchanged greetings, said a quick prayer for a chance to seat next to her and exchange numbers. The next moment, it gets really cloudy—so, this car pulls up in front of you but there's just enough seat for only one of you. 2 out of every 3 situation the lady would join the car either because you will play the gentleman card, or the driver insists that you should 'allow the lady.' Either way, there is an underlying factor— what could it be? December 15 2016, Plateau State Nigeria, I had left the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)  Orientation Camp with a friend bubbling with assurance of a...


Image Were you ever praised for being the good child in the family, the one who is most considerate and obedient? That is one status I have enjoyed all my life, what I did not realise was that I was becoming a people pleaser. but how did I arrive there and how has it shaped my life? I will also share with you lessons I learnt from my experience believing it will be helpful for you or someone close to you. My story is a tale of Self Neglect. Our family used to be a struggling middle class family in the social ladder and my parents were not apologetic about this status: my mother sings it regularly to ensure we didn't bring up any unnecessary demands. We weren't suffering, we only lived frugal. As a child in my family, the only thing you had in relative sufficiency was food and clothing. That did not mean we had so much of it or had surplus: we ate and wore what was available not what we wanted. My parents made sure the clothes (BK) they bought were...


Welcome, I will like to tell you a story. Story-story!  Long time ago, a young lion was found alone in the Bush by a hunter. This hunter took the cub home and raised him amongst his herd of goats. The lion grew to know himself as a goat but one day a huge lion appeared, roaring on a hilltop with all his might. All the goats ran, but the young lion didn’t move, he was afraid, but at the same time— curious.  The old lion approached him and asked "what are you doing with the goats, “I am a goat”  he replied. The story continues... Now let's talk about connection—The first Facebook interface I interacted with in 2009 sold to me a picture I would never forget — a concept that has come to be the mainstay of every social networking tool; it is the picture of 'Connection' — I was fascinated by the idea of being able to connect with anyone, everyone, anytime, anywhere. Connections are indeed very powerful tools that can be used to maximize our abilities as social beings...


 The Great Wall of China Credit: Once upon a time, the strength of Nations on the earth was in the walls they built. Nations with the most impenetrable walls were considered to be most powerful. For instance the Great Wall of China, Hadrian's Wall, England, Kano City Wall et. al are testimonies to this fact. As time went on, people began to pull down walls, not just because of expansion but also because they realised that there was strength in vulnerability; that actually, walls were limitation to expansion and growth. Similarly, as an individual advances in life, walls are built intentionally, consciously or circumstantially. These walls may be innocently raised to protect us but many soon discover that it is more of a limitation than expression. I consider walls therefore, to be any of the several happenstance that appears to set limitations to any wo(man) life'sadvancement, innovation and creativity. Today, I am motivated by the sto...


credit: pinterest Dear mysterious beautiful Angel, people say life is unfair, because it brings a test before teaching you the lesson. That may be true but it is not the whole truth. I believe that life is not always about the lessons, it also includes what you make of the lessons it has taught you.   Like Napoleon Hill stated in his book think and grow rich Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage. Life is like a school, the man who refuses to apply the lessons s(he)  learnt will never be promoted. It therefore means life lessons are actually in existence so we can mature and become better. Therefore it is healthier to know that life happens for you and not to you.  Let me share with you the few lessons I learnt when the going was tough and I believe they are generally applicable: 1. LOOK WITHIN and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE The answer to your question sometimes lies within you. Before you go r...

Letter to My Mysterious Beautiful Angel

Credit: Flickr L et us talk about matters of life and emotions as it relates to how we relate with people. I am looking at our society today from the lenses of concern that we would not lose the cord and bond that makes us human beings. Today, our society is driven by speed and advancement at the detriment of relationships and people. People around us have lost their place to career, technology, religion and culture. We are so fast paced in all of these that people now commit suicide before anyone realises they have been struggling. A young lady once walked up to me, her countenance was fair and comely. She was everything to behold in beauty and stride. It felt like I was seeing an Angel, only that she was dressed in a black gown. I thought to myself "could this be a guardian angel?" Alas, all thought of divinity soon vanished the moment she spoke. "Sir, are your Parents Pastors?" She asked. I glanced around to be sure she was talking to me, I saw no one e...