Source: If you are a man, you probably came curious and angry wanting to find out why such strong word would be coined by a male writer. Calm down. I didn't really mean to say men are fake. Enjoy the read. WHY LADIES RECEIVE MORE HELP THAN MEN You are standing by the roadside waiting for a cab— beside you is a lady heading in your direction. you exchanged greetings, said a quick prayer for a chance to seat next to her and exchange numbers. The next moment, it gets really cloudy—so, this car pulls up in front of you but there's just enough seat for only one of you. 2 out of every 3 situation the lady would join the car either because you will play the gentleman card, or the driver insists that you should 'allow the lady.' Either way, there is an underlying factor— what could it be? December 15 2016, Plateau State Nigeria, I had left the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Orientation Camp with a friend bubbling with assurance of a...